10TH APRIL 2021
Favona Primary School Working Bee

This working bee at Favona Primary School was record breaker, as it was the wettest working be we’ve ever had! The incredible community spirit and sense of fun from all the awesome volunteers didn’t let the wet stuff dampen their spirit and made the day unforgettable. We smashed out ten raised beds and a tunnel house. Thanks to Katrina from @blue_borage for sharing her incredible composting knowledge, as we were able to relocate a whole heap of compost into new hot compost bins and replenish old raised beds. As always – thanks to our foundations partners @kingsplantbarnnz for the epic fruit trees and @dolenewzealand for all the cool hats and bottles for the schools. The schools always provide morning tea and lunch for the working bees and Favona smashed it out of the park, if there was an award for best lunch, they would be reigning champions. This build was funded by Auckland Airport through their 12 days of Christmas grant.