Wednesday 4th March 2020
Papatoetoe Intermediate School Working Bee

One of the early objectives for the Oke Charity was to build a school garden at all the schools in Papatoetoe, as this is the home of our Founders Paul & Anj. On March 4th 2020, we took a step closer to making this happen by building this garden at Papatoetoe Intermediate. The majority of kids from Papatoetoe East Primary, where we built our second garden, will go to this intermediate school, so we’re starting to “grow a pathway” through Papatoetoe. It was great to work with this school and build this cool new space. On the day we had volunteers from ArbEco (who also donated mulch), Kings Plant Barn (who also donated fruit trees) and players from the Vodafone Warriors. This build was funded by Fonterra and Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board. We also had our new tool shed supplier on board in Gary’s Garden Sheds. We also used this working bee to launch the first ever Oke Foundation Partnership and was a pleasure to welcome Dole New Zealand on board.