saturday 2nd april 2022
Rosehill TAP
Working Bee

Back in 2020, Oke built a school garden at Rosehill School and in February 2021, we approached by the school to see if we could continue the support by building an awesome space at Te Ara Poutama (TAP), a transition unit based in Takanini that provides education and assists in the preparation of life in the community for senior students from Rosehill School. In 2020 we built a school garden at Rosehill School for their 5yr old to 20yr old students, so completing the TAP space completes the school garden journey for the students. In order to utilise the space available, Oke worked with Vegepod for the first time, who were extremely helpful in identifying the best product for the job. We had an awesome bunch of volunteers to help build this school garden. And special thanks to the Stevenson Foundation for their funding and continued support.